
1988 Mission Trip to Ukraine

In 1988, Anne Hutchinson participated in the US-USSR Bridges for Peace.   This is the first of a series about mission trips organized by the church over the past decades. In early summer 1988 I was asked if I had a passport by a member of the Mission and Action Committee. When, I affirmed that I…

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Summertime and the livin’ is easy

George Gershwin penned this song, made famous by Ella Fitzgerald, in 1934!  What does this song have to do with the Board of Growth and Fellowship?  Well… Summertime brings us the opportunity to gather outside with a cool glass of lemonade and catch up with friends! Summertime means lots of visitors to the Berkshires –…

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July Newsletter Available

It is easy to feel discouraged right now.  It is easy to find ourselves disappointed that our world is incredibly complicated right now.  Our faith, though, reminds us that God is still speaking.  Hymns remind us that God is making all things new.  Easter reminds us that new life can come from seeming dead ends. …

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Worship of God is the core of all we do in church. Thought-provoking, dynamic, beautiful and forward-facing, our worship always aims at this question: what does God ask of us in this place and time? Each week’s sermon is available on the website here.  Typed transcriptions, links to the scripture readings, and video clips from…

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June Newsletter Available

How often during this pandemic have we dreamed about, talked about, and planned for the new beginning that is coming when the grip on the pandemic loosens?  How often have we been ready to resume our most cherished traditions only to face a new wave, a new challenge, a new variant?  Are we there again? …

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May Newsletter available

Are you still waving your palms and proclaiming hosanna with your lives? Are you still waving your ribbons and proclaiming resurrection with your actions? Our faith is a beautiful tapestry of truth woven into story across generations to influence how we live today.  It is a way of living that places emphasis on both remembrance…

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Capital Campaign – Restore! Renew! Rejoice!

Photos! Star of the Show– The Capital Campaign Kickoff Event was a resounding success.  It was well-attended by about seventy members and friends, as well as by many more who were there in spirit.  One of the main reveals was learning, through a clever interactive game, the total amount raised by the campaign in Advance Gifts.…

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Stockbridge Festival Chorus – Concert April 30

Hello Stockbridge Festival Choristers, current, past and future! We continue to follow the COVID-safety protocols of First Congregational Church, so we will delay our start date to Sunday, February 27 (not the announced Jan 30) to be ever vigilant. Rehearsals on Sundays, 1 to 3pm.  Concert date will remain Saturday, April 30, 5:00pm, with dress…

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Lenten Devotional – Hope

Please see the latest devotional, for April 14 – April 17. Lenten Devotional, March 2 – March 10 lenten devotional, March 11 – March 17 lenten devotional, March 18 – March 20 lenten devotional, March 24 – March 28 lenten devotional, April 14 – April 17 Friends, The project of gathering stories to form Forty…

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Holy Week and Easter

Maundy ThursdayGather with Jesus and the disciples in the Upper Room to remember the story of deliverance and to prepare for Christ’s passion.  The gathered service at tonight at 7:00 p.m. will include communion and Luke’s telling of the story.  Coinciding with night fall, the Tenebrae tradition will bring the story to life.  As different voices from the congregation read the…

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April Newsletter Available

Do you feel it yet?  We have spent Lent abiding in hope.  Can you see it glimmering on the horizon yet?  Has it made its way to abide in your heart, your imagination, or your yearnings?  Do you notice a change in your step or your behavior?  If not, there is still time, for Lent…

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March Newsletter Available

Hope. Worship during Lent will be grounded firmly in hope. The Old Testament stories drip with hope and they will be the basis for my preaching. The Gospel stories reveal hope through the stories of Jesus, and they will be front and center in our time with the children (of all ages). Music will include…

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Lent 2022 – Hope

This year we bring the lens of hope to our Lenten work of prayer, reflection, and preparation.  It is a theme that resonates through the Biblical story and in our own times too.  Hope was in the whispers of the people of Israel who dared to wonder if Jesus was the one to bring restoration…

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February newsletter available

Catch up on the mid-winter news! The memory of the joy and gift of Christmas is still fresh. There are hopeful signs that even this current wave of the pandemic may be receding.  How will we individually and collectively be prepared to open to the new possibilities already here and that might be just around…

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Letter from a Birmingham Jail

The January 23 worship service focused on the life and work of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in particular the “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”  It was written in longhand on April 16, 1963. Confined to his cell for participation in non-violent demonstrations against segregation, Dr. King was responding to a public statement…

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Gospel of Luke Study

Right now, it is natural to feel a bit discouraged. Ice storms, pandemic surges, discord in our political landscape, and the desperate need for things to start getting better! It is a perfect time to turn to Good News (which is what the word “Gospel” means) and the perfect Gospel for this moment is Luke.…

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Welcoming Afghan Evacuees

We have partnered with the Universalist Unitarian Meeting of South Berkshire to help with the Resettlement Task Force project.  In December we learned that an Afghan family of five are arriving to live in Pittsfield. There is still an opportunity to provide household goods and various items – thanks to all who have already donated. …

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Gathered Worship – January 16

We will worship indoors  at the church starting at 10:00am.   Livestream will be available. Please read updated (1/12/2022) protocols, clicking on button below. All persons remain masked inside the church, regardless of vaccination status. Restrooms will be available. There will not be a formal coffee hour, but people are welcome to gather following worship to…

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Christmas Eve – heartfelt gratitude

CHRISTMAS EVE THANK-YOU’S, by Cindy Brown Beloveds (as Rev JaQuan Beachem has so lovingly called us), Many, many thanks for everything you all contributed to make our church’s Christmas Eve worship service an experience full of love and beauty. The sharing of your time and talents and the treasure in your hearts is much appreciated.…

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