A family of five dressed up for Halloween

Fellowship & Community

What does it mean to be the beloved community? Who is our neighbor? How do we celebrate the joys of life together even as we sit in the midst of our pain, loss, or burdens? Here in Stockbridge those questions don’t just occupy our minds but shape the way we become church together. We embrace the idea of being a church family. We love to eat! We revel in the excuse to be in each other’s company.

We hold many events to build relationship and find joy. We hold an Annual Birthday Party for everyone including a parade of cakes. There are small groups including study groups, dinner groups, and service groups. We take turns hosting a time of fellowship each week after worship and sometimes take it up a notch like beignets for Mardi Gras, a Strawberry Social, and, of course, the potluck lunches! The goal is to bring us closer to God, one another, and the world.

We also understand our fellowship to extend to the community. From caroling, to cookouts, to our Pop-up Pantry program, and to a giant installation for Christmas during the pandemic, we want to welcome others in even as we stretch outward. There are some examples below of what we have done or are doing. If you have an idea, call Will in the church office (413-298-3137), and he will connect you to folks who can help make it happen.