
Outdoor Gathered Worship – August 29

August 18, 2021

Outdoor Gathered Worship – August 29

We will worship outdoors  at the church, on the front lawn, starting at 10:00am.  Please read “Updated Info” (button below).  Livestream will be available.

  •  If it is raining, worship will move indoors, following all current Covid protocols. These include all persons being masked inside the church, regardless of vaccination status.
  • We are looking for volunteers to read and to greet, at this or future services.
  • All people, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask while walking to their seat.
    • All non-vaccinated people should keep their mask on throughout the service.
    • Outside: All fully vaccinated people may remove their mask while in their seating area including for singing and speaking.
    • Inside: All to remain masked, regardless of vaccination status. This due to new CDC recommendations.
  • Restrooms will be available.
  • There will not be a formal coffee hour, but people are welcome to gather on the lawn following worship to talk and connect.

Please call Brent with any questions or concerns.