Tracy Wilson
Minister of Music Pro Tem
Tracy Wilson earned a Master of Music from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, with a concentration in piano and arts administration, with additional studies at Catholic University and an internship at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (Washington D.C.) After the internship was completed, Tracy was offered a full time job as Coordinator for Programs for Children and Youth and served for three years in that position; during the summer months, she worked as Assistant Music Director of main stage productions and Music Director of the after-hours cabarets at Weston Summer Theatre in Vermont.
Tracy recently wrapped up a 35 year career in arts administration, working in development at Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, nine years as Director of Development and twice acting/interim director at Berkshire Museum, seven years with Boston Symphony Orchestra/Tanglewood, and nearly 17 years at Berkshire Music School’s Executive Director. Throughout her professional career as an arts administrator, Tracy was, and continues to be, actively involved in the local community as a collaborative pianist, conductor of the Stockbridge Festival Chorus, conductor of Stockbridge Sinfonia (a summer community orchestra), and church organist/choir director with First Congregational Church of Stockbridge.