Rev. Brent Damrow preaching from the pulpit


Christmas in November

Rev. Jane Ralph and Church Members

In this intergenerational worship service, we lifted up the ministries of two of our ministry partners, Construct, Inc. and the Literacy Network of Southern Berkshire.  In preparation for Advent and Christmas we explored two critical stories – the story of no place for Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-7) and the flight of the holy family as refugees to Egypt as told by Matthew (2:13-15a).  We used those stories both to look at our partnerships around contemporary issues of homelessness and refugee/immigrant justice as well as to look back at the ancient Biblical stories in new ways.  The two reflections for the day are provided by Rev. Jane Ralph, Executive Director of Construct and by Literacy Network Board Members and First Congregational Church members Linda Russell and Sarah Boyd.