Youth Group Sees the Light
January 10, 2020
In December the Jr. Youth Group held its second event of the year. In November, we gathered over pizza, home-made cookies and games to get to know each other and to decide what we wanted to do for the year. Some of the ideas generated included:
- Service projects locally and beyond.
- Engagement on advocacy issues like climate change.
- Bible Study and learning about our church and faith.
- Social events and the chance to just get together.
- A team of three (Willa, Hannah and Andrew) volunteered to oversee our KIVA micro-loans.
On the 15th a group of twelve gathered in the JE Room with steaming hot chocolate in hand to talk about the significance of light in the Bible and at Christmas time. We read passages from the Creation story, to the Psalms and the Prophets and finally to those around Christmas and talked about light and how it helps ease fear and show the way. Then, we all went up to Naumkeag to walk the Winter Lights and take it all in. It was cold and fun!
We will take January off before getting together in February to take a look at the Bible and climate change and what we might want to do in response.