Your Chance to Volunteer!
September 11, 2023
Four Main Street is even more alive than usual. To make everything happen and to extend the kind of welcome we want, we rely on a number of volunteers from our church family. These roles include:
Hospitality – we need both greeters for the front walkway and hosts for fellowship hour.
Worship – we would love to identify folks who want to help usher or read.
Children’s Programs – we would be grateful for people to be “Storytellers” or assistants with our kids in the classroom.
Here is how it will work:
We need you to indicate your willingness to be a volunteer at some point by clicking here.
Each month (around the second Sunday) you would then receive one email that would take you to the sign-up page. There you will have access to the descriptions for each position, the slots still needed to be filled for the upcoming months, and the chance to choose the date(s) and role(s) that work best for you.
You will receive both a confirmation email and a reminder email with all the instructions you need and with someone to contact if you have any questions. The sign-ups will be “real time” so you will know which slots have already been picked and which ones are still open.