
The Wednesday Virtual Bible Study

Every Wednesday afternoon several of us meet by ZOOM at 1:00 PM to study the Scripture text that the preacher for the following Sunday has chosen. We would love to have you join us.

What happens during this hour? First, we have a prayer and greet each other and check in on how our week is going. This may take fifteen or twenty minutes. Then, somebody volunteers to read the Scripture passage. We take a quiet minute to think about it. What struck you? What did you find interesting or curious? What questions do you have about the text? Then, someone else reads it, often from a different English translation.

Then we talk about it. That’s pretty much it. We enjoy each other and our conversations are lively and fun. We often learn new insights into the Bible. It is great preparation for Sunday worship. Often toward the end we guess where the preacher will go with the text or texts.

You may be an expert on the Bible or maybe you have never opened it before, but you will be welcomed and valued in this group. It’s a safe space where we listen to and share with each other. We have people of all ages and backgrounds. We have one regular member who lives New Jersey and two who live in Connecticut.

There is no cost, and no sign up. Each week stands on its own, so if you can’t always come, that is fine. Just go to the events listing on the front page of the website. The Bible passage for the week is also there. We’d love to welcome you on Wednesday!


Rick Floyd