The Christmas Fund/Veterans of the Cross is an annual United Church of Christ offering that supports our UCC clergy, both retired and active. It provides financial support in emergencies and augments the pensions of those who do not receive enough to live on. I have seen the impact of this fund in my work visiting retired clergy on behalf of the Pension Boards and have experienced this support myself when I went on disability after my brain injury in 2000.
The Fund also gives Christmas “Thank You” gift checks each December to our lower-income retirees. I’ve had retired ministers thank me and say, “Now we can afford to give Christmas gifts to our family.”
Here at the First Congregational Church of Stockbridge we give the entire Christmas Eve offering to it. It’s a generous gift! But, if you are like me, and are not here on Christmas Eve, you can still give to this special offering. Send checks to the church office with “Christmas Fund/Veterans of the Cross” in the note space. Or go to the church website’s online giving page here.
This offering is a way for us to say thank you to these faithful servants who have dedicated their lives to our church.
~ Rick Floyd