Stockbridge Festival Chorus – Concert April 30
April 19, 2022
Hello Stockbridge Festival Choristers, current, past and future! We continue to follow the COVID-safety protocols of First Congregational Church, so we will delay our start date to Sunday, February 27 (not the announced Jan 30) to be ever vigilant. Rehearsals on Sundays, 1 to 3pm. Concert date will remain Saturday, April 30, 5:00pm, with dress (mandatory) Friday, April 29, 4 to 6 pm.
We will continue to wear masks at all times, and every singer must be fully vaccinated and boosted. Last date to join will be March 13. Dues are $30 per person; scholarships available. Everyone who started singing with us in January 2020 should have the music, but if not, we will have some packets available, especially for newcomers. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to join us, as this is a really beautiful, heartwarming program. AND we always seek tenors and basses!
Here is the program; start looking for your music and practicing! Malcolm Dalglish: Great Trees; Mack Wilberg: Come Thou Fount; David Hurd: Every Pilgrim has a Mountain; Moses Hogan: Down by the Riverside; Stephen Paulus: The Road Home; Randall Thompson: Choose Something Like a Star; The Pasture (TTBB), and Girls Garden (SSA) Steven Sametz: I Have Had Singing; Steve Murray: El Dorado; Anson Olds: Prairie Spring; Alice Parker: Be Joyful/O How Happy Are They; Aaron Copland: The Promise of Living
Any questions? Please email Tracy at or call her cell: 413-822-8688. You do not need to call or email if you are planning on joining; just come!