
September newsletter available

August 22, 2023

Wow – what a full summer.  I hope that you have enjoyed this blessing and the myriad of opportunities to find truth, beauty, peace, and hope (including all we have shared here at #4 Main Street).  I certainly have – it has been rich and good.

I also have to say that I am excited about the new program year that is due to arrive on our doorstep shortly starting with Rally Day on September 10.  There is a way of coming back together that feels strengthening.  There is an energy in all of the programs that feels rejuvenating.  There is a sense of a new beginning that never fails to arrive with new hope too.

This year, though, I am particularly excited.  This year, we will be jumping into the story of the Bible and experience its sweep from creation to the early days of the church.

~ Pastor Brent

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