Results of Construct Walk on Sept. 25, 2016
October 1, 2016
What a GREAT day for the Construct Walk to Prevent Homelessness. Thank you to all those that donated and all those that walked on Sept. 25, 2016.
This is the most that our church has ever raised for this wonderful organization! We were able to raise a grand total of $4302.40 with a $1000 match from our Mission & Action Committee. Construct has raised $50,000 of its $60,000 goal.
This year’s walk began at Berkshire South Community Center and ended at the Great Barrington Fairgrounds for a total of 3.4 miles. The day was beautiful for walking–sunny with a slight breeze.
It is not too late to donate if you want through this link
Questions? Contact Casey Jones ( or 646-594-5400).