
Holy Week and Easter

Holy Week and Easter

For more information and registration forms, click here.

Palm Sunday
Palms are on the way to the church and we want to get them in your hands so that you can wave them triumphantly.  Once they arrive you will be able to pick them up during Office Hours (M-F 9:00-1:00) at the Church Office.  If you can’t make it to the church, we have folks who will bring some to you.  You can call the church office for delivery or go to the website to request.  We remember how people laid their palms down to honor the path of Christ.  We are imagining how to bring that to life at the church leading up to Easter.

Maundy Thursday
This is an intimate day of worship remembering both the beauty of the Last Supper and the tragedy of betrayal and denial.  To honor the spirit, we invite you to sign up to be a part of a small zoom gathering.  You can choose from gatherings that begin as early as 5:30 or as late as 8:00.  We even have one designed for the youth in our church and their families.  People will be invited to meet and eat over Zoom and then go through a beautiful liturgy that incorporates both communion and a Tenebrae service of light.  You will be able to sign up on the website or by calling the church office.

Good Friday
We will walk the Stations of the Cross on top of the Hill at the Marians.  These life-sized copper statues bring the story to life in powerful ways.  You can arrive any time between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. and we will have some prayers to guide your way.  The path is relatively level and manageable. Parking and other information will be posted on our website.  We ask you to sign up so that we can anticipate how many folks will come, but not required.

Easter Sunday
This year we will offer two services (registration required):

  • 9:00 a.m.  Children/Family Service – this short thirty-five to forty minute service will be aimed at kids, youth and their families.  There will be a couple of messages for the kids (no sermon), simple songs to sing, and other activities that engage the Easter story and the kids.  In the sanctuary.
  • 11:00 a.m.  Festival Worship – Complete with the flowered cross, vocalists, story, sermon, and instrumentalists this service will celebrate the resurrection with joy!  Service will be on the front lawn (weather permitting) and live-streamed. The livestream will be available whether the service is outside or in the sanctuary.