
Evening Worship

September 13, 2020

There will be no evening worship on Sunday, October 25.  Instead, please attend the online fundraiser The Lake Mahkeenac Radio Theater! Worship is at the heart of who we are, how we encounter God, how we are shaped as family, and what we find ourselves called to do.  We have added a  third weekly worship…

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September Newsletter Available

September 3, 2020

We are imagining moments big and small in new ways; sometimes offering something similar, sometimes introducing something new. We know that there is uncertainty about what the fall and winter months might bring as our nation continues to struggle with the pandemic and as national elections loom on the horizon. We plan to meet them,…

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August Newsletter Available

August 3, 2020

Worship is at the heart of our shared journey. It is in worship that we come together bringing the fullness of our lives and our world, our joys and our challenges into the presence of God and one another. Through worship, we are shaped for the living of our days by remembering our story, loosening…

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July Newsletter Available

July 2, 2020

… My hope is that we find ways, especially during these summer months, to take advantage of the chance to safely connect outside.  This is about how we feed you and/or help you engage with your faith, each other and the world.  It will give us the strength and endurance to withstand any uptick in…

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Baptismal fond with the words "one body" engraved

April 2020 Newsletter Now Available

April 6, 2020

What times these are! I offer prayers for you and for all who are struggling, relaxed, confused, lonely, over-employed, under-employed, sick, caregiving, or in any other way affected by the pandemic being caused by COVID-19. Remember the words of the angels (do not fear) and the mantra of the prophets (speak truth).

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Boxes of food are sorted for a food pantry

People’s Pantry in Need of Volunteers and Donations

March 27, 2020

The People’s Pantry in Great Barrington needs volunteers through the duration of the the COVID-19 pandemic. Volunteering involves moving produce, meat in coolers, milk and prefilled grocery bags outside onto tables under a tent. Volunteers are needed for three slots each week: Monday 4-6:30 pm; Thursday 8:30-11 am; Thursday 11 am-1:30 pm. College and high…

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Baptismal fond with the words "one body" engraved

COVID-19: Plans as of Thursday, March 12

March 12, 2020

I begin with the greeting of the angels: Do not Fear! I follow with the wisdom of the prophets: Speak truth! We are in unfamiliar and rapidly changing times. People are reacting to the Covid19 Pandemic in very different ways..

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Two women and a man carry boxes of donated food

The People’s Pantry, the Communion Table, and the Lenten Journey

February 27, 2020

The First Sunday in Lent offers the ideal place from which to start the journey: the Communion Table. There we gather to hear an ancient truth, to re-member, and to put ourselves back together as the body of Christ. There we receive blessings that we might be healed and restored and—just as importantly—that we might go forth to be a blessing.

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Image of Krista Tippett with the words "On Being"

New Program “On Faith and Being” Launching

February 10, 2020

A new, monthly small group program will kick off in February, centered around the podcast On Being with Krista Tippett and several books featured in her conversations. Read on for Pastor Brent’s inspiration behind this new faith formation offering.

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A church bell with a clapper

February 2020 Newsletter Now Available

February 1, 2020

From our Sexton: In the category of “other duties as requested” was the recent investigation of the church’s bell. Eugene Burns, a self-described passionate fan of church and lighthouse bells made by the Meneely Bell Foundry (1826-1950) in Watervliet, NY, called to ask about our bell. As it was a nice day, and not wanting…

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A group of pre-teens in front of a winter lights display

Youth Group Sees the Light

January 10, 2020

In December the Jr. Youth Group held its second event of the year. A group of twelve gathered in the JE Room with steaming hot chocolate in hand to talk about the significance of light in the Bible and at Christmas time.

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Text from the Gospel of Matthew

Gospel of Matthew Studies Wrap Up

January 3, 2020

From September through December, two different groups worked through a fourteen section study on the Gospel of Matthew. We studied Matthew as, starting in Advent, Matthew will be the Gospel the Lectionary supplies for worship most often for the coming year.

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Sunlight strikes the steeple of the brick church in winter

January 2020 Newsletter

January 1, 2020

As the lights of Christmas fade and give way to the light of that star of Epiphany we turn from birth and new beginnings to journeys and following The Way. Starting with the magi journeying from afar, to the baptism and the voice from heaven claiming him as beloved, to stories of water changing into wine, the blind seeing, and life bursting forth Epiphany brings us along for us to come and see.

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December 2019 Newsletter

December 1, 2019

Faith is not a spectator sport. Instead we bring our faith to life through our choices, our actions, our participation. We gather mid-week on a cold, dark night to the point where the sanctuary and our hearts can barely hold it all in.

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The pastor and members of the church choir sing a hymn

Job Opening: Minister of Music

November 12, 2019

The First Congregational Church of Stockbridge seeks a dynamic and visionary leader for our music ministry. An Open and Affirming Congregation located in the Berkshires, we are blessed with great musical resources within the church and the wider community.

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Old brickwork on the church exterior

Newsletter – November 2019

November 1, 2019

From this month’s newsletter: “One of the many blessings of living in the Berkshires is that it is a place people like to visit…When Sunday morning rolls around, the question can be “what do we do about church?” Here is what I encourage you to do, though: bring them to church!”

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Baptismal font inscribed with the words "One Body"

Newsletter – October 2019

October 1, 2019

From this month’s newsletter: “Following the example of Jesus of Nazareth, we throw open our doors and our lives to welcome stranger and friend. As a place of sanctuary, we honor the struggles of all who enter, and discern, celebrate, encourage and employ their unique gifts and talents.”

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