
"Come to the Waters" a Women's Bible Study

September 15, 2016

Beginning Sept. 17 at 9 a.m., join us for a nine-week Bible Study to be held at 1606 State Road, Richmond, MA (on Route 41, close to Richmond Town Hall). The last class will be Nov. 12. Each lesson includes one or more Bible passages that deal with water; each also focuses on a theological…

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Pastor Brent on Religious Roundtable This Sunday: Interview About the Life of Reinhold Niebuhr

September 8, 2016

This Sunday at 8:30AM on WSBS’s Religious Roundable, Pastor Brent will host award-winning documentary filmmaker Martin Doblmier to discuss the life of Reinhold Niebuhr. Doblmier, founder of Journey Films and director of the acclaimed documentary Bonhoeffer, is currently working on his latest film, An American Conscience: the Reinhold Niebuhr Story, for PBS. Reinhold Neibuhr, one…

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Construct Walk is September 25th

September 5, 2016

Join us as we participate in Construct’s 28th Annual Walk, on Sunday, September 25. Construct has been helping the people of the Southern Berkshires for more than 40 years not only by lending a hand, but by changing lives. Their goal this year is to raise $60,000. Every penny raised goes towards Construct’s Emergency Services Fund for…

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Rally Day–September 11

August 31, 2016

Sunday School will kick off and the Choir will return! Families are invited to arrive a little early on Sunday and go straight to Sunday School with their little ones to get checked in and ready. The children will start in Sunday School and then join the congregation for worship. Choir will begin their rehearsals…

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The Trinity Challenge

August 1, 2016

Sponsored by the Green Team Did you know that carpooling and public transportation drastically reduce CO2 emissions by spreading them out over many riders? The Green Team proudly challenges the First Congregational Church of Stockbridge, UCC to care for our environment in a thoughtful, capable and all-inclusive way. This may not seem as though it…

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SignUp Central: Greeters, Coffee Hour Hosts & Nursery Volunteers

July 25, 2016

Greeters, coffee hour hosts and nursery volunteers all help make Sunday mornings happen. Looking to sign up? Use our online sign-up system at SignUp Genius. To sign up simply click on the “Sign Up” button next to each slot you wish to sign up for. Then, click the large blue “Submit and Sign Up” button…

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“Calling All Ages to Care for Creation”

June 8, 2016

An Intergenerational Event of Learning, Justice and Friendship Making – July 29 and 30 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed it was very good. Genesis 1:31 REGISTRATION FORM What’s happening? You are invited to come and be part of a wonderful weekend of faith, learning, caring and focusing on the call to…

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Intergenerational Vacation Bible School

May 9, 2016

The Board of Christian Education and the Green Team are planning a 3-Day Vacation Bible School with a theme of “Calling All Ages to Care for Creation.”  The anticipated dates and times are: Friday, July 29 from 5:30-7:30pm; Saturday, July 30 from 9:00am-4:00pm; Sunday, July 31 from 10:00am-11:00am (at worship). To help us plan, please click on the…

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Visioning Prayer

March 28, 2016

Over the past year, our church has begun wading into a visioning process, listening for the call of God upon our church in this place and time. Who would God have us be? Who would God have us serve? Where might God be whispering new dreams and visions to us, that we might be led…

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Wednesday Morning Prayer to Continue on a Permanent Basis

March 23, 2016

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7) Starting April 6, Wednesday morning prayer, which has been offered seasonally during…

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Christmas Giving Tree: Gifts for Those in Need

November 17, 2015

Help make this a special Christmas season for other families by choosing a tag (or 2 or 3!), with an age-appropriate gift request, from our Christmas tree, located in the Jonathan Edwards room (starting Sunday, November 20th). The amount you spend is up to you, but we suggest a dollar amount of between $25 and…

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UPDATE: Responding to the European Migrant Crisis

October 20, 2015

On Wednesday, October 7th, more than fifty people from multiple towns, communities of faith, and perspectives gathered in worship, learning, and discernment to consider a local response to the unfolding European migrant crisis. It was a challenging and energizing gathering. And it is just the beginning. Four teams are mobilizing to address the various facets…

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Facing the European Migrant Crisis – Public Forum/Planning Session

September 29, 2015

At the request of the Board of Mission and Action, the Church Council has approved a community-wide gathering, open to the public, to pray, consider, and plan a response to what is rapidly becoming among the most significant crises in recent memory: the tide of refugees fleeing their homelands and seeking refuge in Europe. On September 20th,…

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Construct Walk is October 18th

September 29, 2015

Once again, we will be participating in Construct’s Annual Walk, on Sunday, October 18th. Construct has been helping the people of the Southern Berkshires for more than 40 years not only by lending a hand, but by changing lives. Their goal this year is to raise $60,000. Every penny raised goes towards Construct’s Emergency Services Fund…

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Gospel of John Study Starting Mid-September

September 1, 2015

We are pleased to offer a ten-week study on the Gospel of the Beloved Disciple: John. this moving and poetic gospel was the last to be written and has served as inspiration for many. We anticipate offering two different sections. One, led by Pastor Brent, will take a more traditional Bible study approach and another,…

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Backpack Food Project Helps Muddy Brook Students

August 11, 2015

Mary Berle, principal of Muddy Brook Elementary School (MBE) in Great Barrington brought some of her concerns about feeding the children more than one meal a day to our church member Anne Hutchinson over a month ago. The statistics were eye opening: 48% of Muddy Brook students are on free and reduced lunch (up from…

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American Boychoir to Help Lead Worship

July 28, 2015

On Sunday, August 9th, The American Boychoir, America’s premier concert boys’ choir, will provide musical worship leadership at the First Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Following their appearance with the Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra the prior evening, the choir will sing a special prelude (beginning at 9:45AM), choral anthems,…

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Take a Hike! A Summer Invitation: Walks & Talks

July 7, 2015

We in the Berkshires are blessed to have many great places to take a walk or hike, to exercise, ground yourself, find peace, and take in beauty. In the Christian tradition, pilgrimages both take us to sacred places and help us find meaning in the rhythm of walking. This summer, you are invited to come…

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