
Organ Rededication Concert

Livestream recording available – see below.

The First Congregational Church, UCC, Stockbridge has recently completed a significant renovation project on its historic 1865 Johnson organ, funded through its Capital Campaign. These renovations were undertaken by the firm Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc. of Northampton, Massachusetts. The concert of rededication will take place on Saturday, March 1 at 2:00 pm and will feature three outstanding concert organists from the greater Berkshire community and Albany, NY: Tim Pyper, Edwin Lawrence and Brian Hoffman. Each organist will perform several solo sections then will accompany congregational singing on one of their favorite hymns.  The congregation will learn more about the history of the Johnson Organ, Opus 183, and the recent renovations. The concert is free and open to the public, with a free will donation collected during the offertory. A reception will follow the concert.

The concert will also be available via Livestream.   Download program


Tim Pyper is Lecturer in Music/College Organist at Williams College and Director of Music at St. John’s, Williamstown. Prior to this, he was Director of Music at the Church of the Holy Apostles, New York City (2017-2023) and Director of Music at the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary (2010-2015). Originally from Canada, he trained at the Eastman School of Music (B.M., M.M., Performer’s Certificate) and at Cornell University (D.M.A.). Pyper is also an AmSAT-certified instructor of the Alexander Technique and regularly gives workshops on optimal ergonomic functioning for musicians.

Brian Hoffman is a concert organist whose numerous performances include solo recitals at St. Patrick’s Cathedral NYC, Methuen Memorial Music Hall, and on the world’s largest church organ at West Point Cadet Chapel. As a composer, he has written numerous works for choir, organ, and various ensembles. As a recording artist, he has recorded his original compositions, as well as organ works of J.S. Bach and Cesar Franck. His ongoing project, begun during the pandemic of 2020, is the recordings of the complete organ works of J.S. Bach on organs from around the world via the Hauptwerk program.  Brian served as concert organist for the Stockbridge Festival Chorus for a number of years in the early 2000s. For more information, please visit:

Edwin Lawrence enjoys a career as a performer on piano, organ and harpsichord and as a conductor and composer.   He recently retired as Minister of Music for the First Congregational Church, UCC of Williamstown MA.   He is an Artist Associate at Williams College.  Mr. Lawrence served as Music Director for the Bennington County Choral Society for more than 38 seasons.   As a producer for Dorian Recordings, he was directly involved with more than 20 recording projects. In 1976, he was one of the composers chosen to represent Vermont in the Bicentennial Parade of American music in the nation’s capital.  Still in the era of the LP, he recorded “Organ Music from Hildene” at Robert Todd Lincoln’s Manchester, VT home.   Lawrence is a founding member of the Consortium of Vermont Composers and has served as a guest conductor of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra.  In 1990, he received a Citation of Merit from the Vermont Council of the Arts for his contributions to the vitality of the arts in the Green Mountain State.  Lawrence is currently the concert organist for the Stockbridge Festival Chorus.

The church is located at 4 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA, and is fully accessible. This concert is co-sponsored by the Church’s Board of Music and its current Minister of Music Pro Tempore Tracy Wilson.