
New Member Connections Class–May 12, 9:30 am

April 29, 2018

Everyone who is contemplating joining this church is encouraged to attend this interactive class.  We will share faith stories, talk about this church and the UCC, discuss what membership means (and what it doesn’t) and describe the process.
Membership in the United Church of Christ is an important part of our life together.  We see it as a covenant that joins us together as one body.  As part of the reception of new members promises are made by those joining and promises of support, love and fellowship are made in turn to those joining by the congregation.
Church membership is something based in relationship and commitment.  It is a forward-looking promise to walk together; support one another, this local church, and the larger church; and grow together in faith and love.  Being a member brings both responsibilities and gifts – it is a public declaration of togetherness.
We are blessed to be growing as a church and many of our new members come from different traditions and backgrounds.  As a result, we hold a Connections Class where we get to know one another, explore what membership is (and what it isn’t), share the history of this church and our denomination, and decide whether membership is right for you or not.
Childcare will be provided and we will finish with a light lunch. Please R.S.V.P. to the church office.