Meditative Mandala Creations • Thurs., May 9, 16, 23 & 30 • 10 am
May 5, 2019
Beginning Thurs., May 9, and for the next three Thursdays from 10-11:30 am, join a group of artistic enthusiasts to participate in a meditative process while creating a mandala design. Many religious art creations include mandalas, which have their roots in the Hindu religion. They are also represented in the Christian faith’s rose windows in cathedrals and churches throughout the world, as well as, in God’s nature of flowers, snowflake designs, etc.
The process of creating a mandala design is very easy to learn and may be elaborated to extremely complex designs.
The first session will be limited to five people. Please sign up in the JE Room (see the bulletin board) ASAP for the May 9th session. You may wish to bring your own supplies of a pencil, eraser, ruler, colored pencils or pens, and a compass. Paper and other supplies will be provided.
The program will continue for the following three Thursdays: May 16, 23 and 30.
Please contact Olga Schwede at (413) 644-9846 if you have any questions.