
Stockbridge UCC Participates in Marathon Scarf Project

April 4, 2014

Marathon Scarf Project
The Prayer Shawl Knitting Group of the First Congregational Church of Stockbridge has joined dozens of other churches and individuals to participate in the Marathon Scarf Project sponsored by Old South Church in Boston (UCC).

marathon scarves
Stockbridge UCC Marathon scarves ready to head off to Boston.

Marathoners from around the world come to Old South (located at the finish line of the Boston Marathon) for its annual Blessing of the Athletes service. To mark the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, Old South’s goal is to wrap each runner in the love poured into stitches of handmade blue and yellow scarves.
To learn more about the Marathon Scarf Project, keep up with Old South’s Facebook page and Twitter feed. To learn more about our Prayer Shawl Knitting Group and find upcoming knitting dates, please see our Upcoming Events.