
Liturgy Orientation, Nov. 16

November 11, 2017

You know you envy those fortunate people who get to read the Scripture lessons and pass the offering plates on Sunday mornings, you know you do. And how about the cool stuff they get to do on Christmas Eve and Easter? Well, envy no more, because you’re invited to a liturgy orientation session to become a member of the Deacon “Auxiliary”!
In Greek, the word “liturgy” means “work of the people,” and we want to offer all the people of the church an opportunity to participate in this lovely work. And worship is better and more full when many voices are heard.
This wonderful opportunity, led by our pastor Brent Damrow, will take place on Thursday, November 16, from 7:00-8:30 pm, in the sanctuary. Child care will be available.
Please let deacon chair Cindy Brown know if you plan to attend (, 413-298-5365). Can’t wait to see you there!