
Lenten Worship and Education: Ash Wednesday, Morning Prayer, the Four Gospels and More!

January 19, 2015

This year we offer a rich and deep Lenten program to help you re-lent, re-focus, re-form and re-charge

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th

We begin our Lenten journey with the reminder that God is God and we are not. Services at 8AM and 7PM.

RE-Lent: Weekly Morning Prayer, Feb 25th – Apr. 1st

Start your morning in quiet, reflective prayer.  8AM in Seventh Heaven.

Lenten Study: The Four Gospels, Sundays and Mondays, Mar. 1st – 3oth

Lent has often been described as the time in the church calendar when we walk beside and with Jesus on the way to the cross and beyond. This year we will do just that–by engaging these stories side by side and back to back. We will study these texts for meaning, context and history. We also ask questions, find beauty and think about what they mean to and for us. Identical sessions will be offered Sunday (after worship; light meal and childcare provided) and Monday (7PM).

Lenten StillSpeaking Devotional Booklets

The UCC Still-Speaking Writer’s Group Lenten Devotional booklets are in. Our own Rick Floyd is a featured writer. Books are available in the Jonathan Edwards Room. Pick one up ($3 suggested donation), dive in and see Lent in a new way.
For specific event details, see the events calendar.
Questions? Contact Pastor Brent: (413) 298-3137 or