
Lent Fellowship Groups
February 20, 2023
There are few things in life that are as joyful, powerful, and connecting as sharing a meal together. The word companion, in fact, literally means those who share bread. While the Last Supper is a meal we celebrate in the Bible, Jesus used that setting to break down barriers, teach by example, and welcome. He ate with sinners, tax collectors, outsides, and friends. At the table, he listened, spoke and revealed the kingdom that already has drawn near.
We invite you to join a Lent Fellowship Group, please use this sign-up form.
• Weekly gatherings of five to eight people to share a simple meal and conversation.
• The goal is to get to know each other and deepen connections to faith and our church family.
• As part of their conversations, groups are encouraged to discuss the past week’s scripture and/or sermon. Conversation starters and guides will be provided each week for those who want to use them.
• Up to you! The gatherings can happen in people’s homes, at the church, in a restaurant, inside, outside – wherever the group decides.
• We want to remove all barriers. There is no requirement to host, the church can help to secure child care and/or meals if needed.
• While we encourage those who can, to gather in person, a Zoom option is also possible.
• Sign up in the J.E. Room or online
• You can request preferences (for day, location, people to be with…) when you sign up.
• The Church will form groups trying to honor those preferences and will on Monday, February 27 communicate to each group their members and contact information.
• Groups will decide on the logistics and start to meet!
To What End?
• Connection! We hope you make new friends while strengthening current relationships.
• Depth! We hope you have the chance to explore faith and discover new meaning.
• Joy! We hope you find delight in good time spent with wonderful people and simple food.
• We pray these groups will do what they did when Jesus gathered people together– reveal the presence of God’s kingdom already drawing near.
Questions? Call Will or Pastor Brent in the church office (413-298-3137).