

February 18, 2021

During Lent we will be offering a few things to make worship meaningful and alive:

  • Time with Children – the stories from the Old Testament assigned for Lent are all about our Covenant with God.  String art kits have been sent to our families with kids that we will use each week to bring the stories and their meaning to life.  If you did not receive a kit or know a family who might enjoy one – let us know and we will get one out quickly!
  • Stories of Encounter – an important part of pilgrimage includes the encounters with others who are also on the road.  Each week, we hope to include a story of unexpected encounter whether on intentional pilgrimage or simply on a trip to the post office during worship.
  • Music – as we journey, music not only becomes the soundtrack of our walking but also part of our vocabulary.  Our practices of gathering, confession, prayer, and sending will use music drawn from a variety of traditions both to enrich worship as well as the days that follow.