
“Inspired” – Small Groups
January 9, 2023
Inspired – Small Groups
Rachel Held Evans (1981-2019) is a treasure. She is known for her books and articles about faith, doubt, and life. She has been featured in everything from the Washington Post and NPR to BBC and Christianity Today. She served on President Obama’s Council of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. She was a great source of inspiration on my sabbatical in remembering the beauty of what church and faith can be as well as the challenges we often bring to our shared life.
For me, Inspired and its exploration of the Bible struck a beautiful balance between honest human struggles in encountering sacred texts and scholarship on those same texts. As the book cover relays, “If the Bible isn’t a science book or an instruction manual, then what is it? What do people mean when they say the Bible is inspired? When Rachel Held Evans found herself asking these questions, she began a quest to better understand what the Bible is and how it is meant to be read. What she discovered changed her and it will change you too.”
As we embark on a new year both in the liturgical calendar and the secular one too, we have an opportunity to come to our sacred texts with fresh perspectives. I am convinced that whether you are a Bible devotee or whether the book scares you, the kinds of questions and answers Rachel brings forth will have meaning. Here are some opportunities to engage.
~Pastor Brent
Sorry, these sessions have started. Please keep an eye out for the next series.