
Informational Meeting – Jan. 28, 2018

January 12, 2018

On Jan. 28, 2018 at 11:15am in the sanctuary, members of the Church are invited to an informational meeting to discuss the Norman Rockwell Museum’s interest in acquiring the Old Town Hall building and property that is owned by the Church.
The Norman Rockwell Museum would like to renovate the building for use as a Research Center and partner with the Church to create an attractive, landscaped campus for the area. Several months ago, Laurie Norton Moffatt made a presentation to the Council that was well received. Since that time, a small group from the Church has been meeting with Laurie and members of the Rockwell Board to discuss how this might happen.
After some negotiations, the Museum and the Church have prepared a Memorandum of Understanding which the Church members need to approve. The vote on the Memorandum of Understanding will be formally considered by the Congregation at the Annual Budget Meeting of the Church which will be held on Sun., Feb. 4.
Questions: Contact Deborah McMenamy, Church Moderator