
Holy Week and Easter 2018

March 24, 2018

This year’s Holy Week services and opportunities bring us into the story of what happened between the joy of Palm Sunday and the joy of Easter Sunday.  Through worship, fellowship and prayer these events remind us of the great brokenness of the world and the even greater love of God.  If you have participated in the past, you know how meaningful it can be and how much more joyful Easter feels when it arrives.  If you have not yet participated, perhaps this is the year to give it a try.  If you have questions about any of these things, please contact Pastor Brent or Pastor Patty.
Maundy Thursday – March 29, 2018
7:00 p.m. – The Sanctuary
The term Maundy comes from the Latin man datum (or commandment) and is based on the new Commandment Jesus gives his disciples in the Gospel of John:  “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13:34).  During worship, we remember the events of the Thursday more than 2,000 years ago including the Last Supper in the Upper Room, prayer in the Garden, betrayal and desertion.
Worship is quiet and contemplative.  Using the Gospel of Mark as our guide we will remember that momentous day.  Worship will finish with a Service of Lights (Tenebrae) where each of twelve candles (representing the 12 disciples) is extinguished as they fade away until only the Christ Candle remains burning.  Childcare available upon request.  Come and See!
Good Friday – March 30, 2018
6:15 p.m. (Meet at the Church to travel together.)
On Good Friday, we remember just how far God is willing to go for the sake of love…all the way to the cross!  This year we will return to the moving life-sized Stations of the Cross up on Eden Hill (Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception).  These stations bring to life and imagination the path of Jesus on Good Friday from judgement to cross to tomb.  We will walk the stations together with short prayers to guide our way.  We will meet at the church and childcare will be available there.  If inclement weather, we will worship using the same stations but here in the Sanctuary.  Were you there?
Easter Sunday – April 1, 2018
Christ is Risen…He is Risen Indeed!
On the most joyful day of the Christian calendar, join together with others to proclaim that love wins, life wins, God wins!
We offer two different services:
Sunrise Service – 6:30 a.m.
(Planned to be outside weather permitting).  We experience the rising of the sun and the new beginning of Easter.  Alongside the women, we approach the tomb only to find it miraculously empty.  With music by Quintessential and fellowship to follow, start your day off with life!
Festival Service – 10:00 a.m.
There will be great hymns, the Easter Story, love breaking forth, Easter Egg hunt for children and much more!  Come early and be prepared to remember this stunning, life changing, world altering moment in the greatest love story ever told.