
Holy Week 2019: April 14 – April 21

March 25, 2019

Each year we encounter Holy Week anew. In part it is always different, because we are different – our lives and our world have changed since the last time we went to Jerusalem. In part it is always different because the Lectionary (the source from which we draw our assigned readings for the week) also changes. In some years we get the story from Matthew’s perspective, others Mark’s and so on. Since the Gospels tell the story differently each year, we have a chance to glean different elements of beauty, meaning, hard truth and life.

This year presents a unique opportunity both in our shared life together and through what the lectionary provides. And we are going to take it! This year the stars and the stories align in a way for us to tell the great old love story through the lenses of Luke (the Gospel of Amazement) and John (the grand poetic narrative).

Sunday April 14th – Palm and Passion Sunday (Gospel of Luke)

10:30 a.m. – This year, with Luke as our guide we will tell the whole story from Palms to Passion. We will begin with the crowds shouting Hosanna, go to the upper room, travel to the garden and walk the way of the cross. There is something profoundly different when you hear the story in its whole arc and we will gather to see it all unfold. Kids will help throughout bringing the story to life.

Thursday April 18 – Maundy Thursday (Gospel of John)

7:00 p.m. – Maundy Thursday Worship – In this service we will focus on the reading for the day at John tells it. In his Gospel the final meal with the disciples focuses not on the food, but rather on servanthood as Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. We will remember how Jesus gave us a model of mutual love and care and then commanded us to follow it.

Friday April 19 – Good Friday

Ancient tradition invites people to walk with Jesus as he carries the cross. Because the weather forecast indicates a very high likelihood not just of rain, but thunderstorms, we will worship inside the sanctuary at 6:30 p.m.

The service will be quiet and reflective. Together we will take our place at the foot of the cross and bear witness. All are welcome.

Easter Sunday – April 21

6:00 a.m. – Sunrise Service. We rush with the women to find an empty tomb. Note: because of the forecast for rain, we will hold this service in the sanctuary balcony. Come and see!

10:00 a.m. – Festival Worship. We proclaim through word, song and praise that He is Risen! Together we remember that nothing other than God has the last word.