
Facing the European Migrant Crisis – Public Forum/Planning Session

September 29, 2015

Refugee2At the request of the Board of Mission and Action, the Church Council has approved a community-wide gathering, open to the public, to pray, consider, and plan a response to what is rapidly becoming among the most significant crises in recent memory: the tide of refugees fleeing their homelands and seeking refuge in Europe.
On September 20th, Pastor Brent preached a sermon on this crisis through the eyes of children, prefaced by a slide show of images. (For those who were not able to be in worship, both the slides and the sermon are available online.) The sermon was based on Mark’s text where Jesus instructs his followers: “how you welcome children is how you welcome me.” In his sermon, he challenged us to face this crisis both in responding to the very real short term needs as well as the longer term causes.
We will begin with a short time of worship to center ourselves in prayer, sharing, song and reflection. Following worship we will gather in the Jonathan Edwards Room and break into action groups around a variety of needs: humanitarian response, family sponsorship, education and promotion as well as political response.  By the time we leave, we hope to have plans and people in place to begin responding to these critical issues.
For more information or to get involved, please contact the church office at 413-298-3137 or We are working on having childcare available.
Please mark your calendar and tell friends to come – it will be a meaningful night.