
Construct Walk is October 15th

September 29, 2017

Part of the team from the First Congregational Church of Stockbridge. They raised $4,000 for Construct’s efforts to prevent homelessness.

Join us as we participate in Construct’s 29th Annual Walk to Prevent Homelessness, on Sunday, October 15, 2017. Construct has been helping the people of the Southern Berkshires for more than 40 years not only by lending a hand, but by changing lives. Every penny raised goes towards Construct’s Emergency Services Fund for those in need. For 4 years in a row, this church has raised between $2,500-$4,000, the number of our members that have walked to show their support has increased, and we are looking to continue the momentum!
STEP UP to prevent homelessness and provide support to the 16,000 Berkshire residents living in poverty. With your help in South County, Construct will provide: Emergency assistance & transitional housing; Adult education & workforce development; Mobility mentoring, support groups & referrals to address underlying causes.
There are many ways to get involved. WALK – GRAB YOUR FRIENDS – FORM A TEAM – RAISE MONEY. You can donate by cash or check during Sunday coffee hour in the weeks leading up to the walk. You can collect donations from friends and neighbors as part of our walking group and bring the results of the efforts with you to church. You can go online to and donate. You can share the link with others and encourage them to donate. Last, but certainly not least, you can walk with our team. We had a big turn-out of walkers last year, and are hoping for even more this year.
Date & time: Sunday, October 15, 2017. Registration begins at 12:30pm. Walk starts at 1pm.
Location: Ski Butternut, 380 State Road, Great Barrington (start) to the Great Barrington Fairgrounds (end) for a total of 4 miles.
Questions? Contact Mission and Action.