
Christian Education Sunday

June 16, 2021

It was an adventure-filled year for Christian Education! From Rally Day (pandemic style), virtual carols, pages of Sunday School lessons online, and even a Children’s Message from North Carolina.

As part of a long-standing tradition, each year the church holds a worship service in honor and celebration of the educational programs of the past year.  We continue that tradition this year in a new way to fit these challenging times.

The service for Christian Education Sunday, June 20, was prerecorded.  We hope that you enjoy the leadership provided by teachers and learners of all ages.  We are including some of the text of what is being said in case the audio portion is challenging to make out.

The bulletin is a guide, containing the order of presentations.  You may also simply sit back and take in all the beauty and grace of what you are about to witness!   Blessings!

Thank you to Jill Wheat who has spearheaded this endeavor, to all who were part of this service, and all who were part of education this year.