Now Available: Awakening to the Call – Faith and Life at the Crossroads by Rev. Brent Damrow
December 5, 2015
Time for a wake up call?
In worship at the First Congregational Church, we claim the ancient truths that we are one body, that when we gather Christ comes to meet us, and that together we mere mortals can commune with the divine. We recognize the need to bring our whole selves into worship—our hearts and our minds, a spirit of artistry and $an analytical zeal, our joys and our sorrows, our convictions and our doubts. We come as we are, knowing that through our holy encounter with God and one another, we will leave changed.
In the United Church of Christ, the sermon occupies a central place in worship, both literally and figuratively. Drawn from our life together in worship, each of the sermons in this book delves into the issue of God’s call on our lives. From multiple perspectives, ranging from Biblical events to the calling of modern day saints and seekers, these sermons point to an important question: How do we open our minds, hearts and lives to hear our still-speaking God whisper what is in store for us?
Price: $14.00 (discount available for multiple copies)
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