
August Newsletter available

Walter Brueggemann maintains that Sunday morning is central to the life of the church.  One of the reasons is that collective worship, study, and fellowship are foundational for us to become the body of Christ.  Another reason, though, is that it stakes a claim on the importance of our church family to our lives.  It boldly resists the messaging of the world to consume, produce, or make it on our own.  It sends us forth with joy and when we make it part of our lives, by mid-week we start looking forward to the next Sunday.

Soak in all the life and beauty of the summer!  Get ready to do the same here at church in the Fall.  Rally Day, or Re-Covenanting Day, is September 11.  Sunday school will open, the choir will return, a picnic will grace the front lawn and family will come back together to share our adventures and share our lives too.  I can’t wait!

Pastor Brent

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