March 23, 2025 – Sunday Worship
Thank you for joining us for worship! Today’s worship will start at 10:00AM, with musical preludes beginning approximately 9:45AM.
Prepare for Worship: We invite you to light a candle (or two! or three!) at home. Choose a space that is comfortable and create a distraction free environment. Although we are separated by space, we remember Jesus’s promise that wherever two or three gather in his name (even virtually), he is there also.
- Check-ins: You are invited to text the names of those attending to 413-644-6435 that we might extend a welcome. You may also include prayers of joys and concerns that will be lifted later in worship.
- Joys and Concerns: You may text your prayers to 413-644-6435 or email them to
- Offering: You can give online or mail checks to the church office. If you wish to make a donation to a specific fund, select the appropriate option in the online giving form, or mention this in the memo line on your check.
- To see past Kids Time YouTube videos, please visit the Worship & Formation page on the website.
- To access an archive of prior Sundays’ worship, visit our YouTube channel.