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Youth Group trip to Benedict Pond
September 26, 2023
Adventures at Benedict Pond The Youth Group and adult leaders had a wonderful time at Benedict Pond on Sunday afternoon, September 17. We were blessed with sunny weather, and enough warmth for water play. We hiked around Benedict Pond, took out numerous kayaks and a canoe, some swam and some ate most of the s’mores and other goodies. Ted built a beautiful campfire, but we ran out of time for sitting around it. We did take time to talk about our ideas for Youth Group activities for the coming year. The kids can speak for themselves: Ruth says She likes youth events because they are with friends, fun, not overly ‘churchy' and are without the rest of her family around, and she thinks this helps her be able to be more ‘herself’. William: It was fun canoeing for the first time!! I learned I like it a little better than kayaking because it appears you can go faster. Jake: I loved two things - first the boating which was very fun to do with other kids - especially exploring the beaver dam and the 'swim launch.' Second, who doesn't love swimming while eating dark chocolate? I highly recommend! Planning committee: Ted Randolph, Diane Piraino, Terry Wise, Elisabeth Bellows