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Towards Racial Justice: Real Talk on Race

  • Date: Sunday, May 29, 2016
  • Time: 11:45am1:15pm

Multicultural BRIDGE. Empowerment. Collaboration. Celebration. Learning. Integration.In partnership with Multicultural BRIDGE, we are pleased to offer a powerful, honest, 8-week course, Real Talk On Race. BRIDGE will bring together a pair of facilitators for each session, who will each take a few minutes to deliver their unique lesson on race from their voice, wisdom, and personal  experience. This will be followed by a circle on race facilitated by BRIDGE where participants actively engage in a race lesson and conversation. The course is interactive, and will require participants to confront racism explicitly on the individual and systemic level. The goal of the course is to help  participants reach a deeper understanding of race, as well as race in the context of religion.  Facilitators will include Ms. Gwendolyn VanSant, Rev. Natalie Shiras, Ms. Stephanie Wright, and Mr. Jeff Lowenstein.
Questions? Contact Multicultural BRIDGE at 413-394-4029 or

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