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Event Series Event Series: Service League

Service League

  • Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
  • Time: 10:30am1:00pm
  • Location: Classroom
  • Contact: Anne Hutchinson

 Join the Fun!  The Service League is a group that meets weekly in the classroom to plan fundraisers – such as the Holly Fair and the Summer Fair – to support our mission projects at home and abroad. Do you also know that we welcome anyone who wants to join us, occasionally or regularly? If you have a favorite craft that’s great, as we work on making items for sale at the fairs, but that’s not a requirement. We don’t just put people to work – we offer fellowship, quite a lot of fun, and (almost always) some yummy baked goods. Check us out, any Friday morning between 10:30 – 1:00.

For more information, contact the church office, 413-298-3137

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