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Event Series Event Series: SANCTUARY: A Lenten Conversation
Refugees crossing train tracks

SANCTUARY: A Lenten Conversation

  • Date: Sunday, March 1, 2020
  • Time: 11:30am12:30pm
  • Contact: Will Garrison
  • Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
  • Phone: 413-298-3137 x10

The concepts of sanctuary and immigration are central parts of the experience and history of people of faith. In this study we will explore these concepts both as experienced in Biblical times and as they are unfolding right here in the Berkshires. We will draw from Jose Antonio Vargas’ film Documented and book Dear America. We will engage voices from The People’s Pantry, Volunteers in Medicine, Berkshire Interfaith Organizing, the Berkshire Immigrant Center and more. We will imagine how concepts of sanctuary apply, especially as relates to the undocumented immigrant community and what, if anything, we are called to do in response to the current situation. Although each session builds on the last, folks are welcome to attend as they are able. Bag lunch provided. If possible, please RSVP so that we can have enough food for all.

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