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Rally Day – After Worship

  • Date: Sunday, September 10, 2023
  • Time: 12:00pm2:30pm
  • Location: Church Green

As summer winds down, we traditionally gather for a special Sunday.  This church calls it Rally Day – other UCC churches call it Re-Covenanting Sunday.  Both names are helpful for they describe what is at the heart of that Sunday – a joyful day to reconnect in relationship and faith.

On September 10 – we kick-off the program year for the church.  The Choir will be up in the loft, Sunday programs for children resume, adult studies launch, and more.  It is a day where we share the adventures of our Sunday even as we set off on new adventures together as a church.

Following worship, there will be a special fellowship hour planned for the front lawn or indoors (if raining).  Mark your calendars, bring your friends and family, come and see!


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