April 2022
Maundy Thursday
Gather with Jesus and the disciples in the Upper Room to remember the story of deliverance and to prepare for Christ’s passion. The gathered service at 7:00 p.m. will include communion and Luke’s telling of the story. Coinciding with night fall, the Tenebrae tradition will bring the story to life. As different voices from the congregation…
Good Friday
We will gather at 6:30 p.m. to walk the Stations of the Cross at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy (Stockbridge). This flat course winds through the scenes from the trial to the tomb. Along the way we will use a beautiful prayer liturgy from Australia that tells the story of each station and offers a prayer. …
Easter Sunday
9:00 a.m. Intergenerational Service – outside on front lawn, weather permitting This thirty (or so)-minute service will tell the story, evoke the thrill of Easter, engage the gathered, and make a joyful if not raucous noise. Complete with butterflies, alleluia ribbons, a short message, and singing this will be a less-formal but no-less-deep way to…
Wednesday Morning Prayer
In this quiet, contemplative time we draw closer to God and one another through prayer and sharing. Come and see.
Kids Sing for Peace
Kids Sing for PeaceUkrainian Aid Benefit Concert, April 22, 6:00pmIn the sanctuary of First Congregational Church, 4 Main Street, Stockbridge. Doors open at 5:50. This is a short program with sweet young voices singing peace and social justice themed music. A collection for Ukraine will be taken at the concert. We hope to see you there!…
Wednesday Morning Prayer
In this quiet, contemplative time we draw closer to God and one another through prayer and sharing. Come and see.