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Dinner & A Movie: Exodus: Gods and Kings

  • Date: Monday, June 22, 2015
  • Time: 6:00pm
  • Location: Jonathan Edwards Room

Save time on your calendar Monday evenings from June 22 through July 20 at 6PM for our annual Dinner & A Movie series. This summer’s theme is The People’s Choice: a selection of personal movie favorites curated by members of the church. A pizza dinner will be provided. Please feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
This week’s selection is Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014, rated PG-13) starring Christian Bale, with a different take on the story of Moses. Chosen by Cindy Brown.

Please RSVP to Cindy Brown (, 413-298-5365) if possible so that we know how much pizza to order.

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