A cute boy smiles in the church nursery
Pastor Brent explains the meaning of baptism to a group of children
A mother hugs her daughter while they listen to the children's sermon
A mother and son embrace on the grass in front of the church

Families with Children

To enjoy Kid’s Time from the past weekly worship services, click here.  The YouTube video will start at the beginning of the message for children.

Children should look forward to church—not dread it!—and to that end we offer a safe, nurturing, thought-provoking environment for kids to learn and engage with the Christian faith.

We craft our programs to help kids explore the stories and beliefs of their forebears, and then claim this faith anew for their own generation. Children participate in the full life of our congregation: they help lead worship, sing in our Kids’ Choir, study the Bible, wield rags and rakes on clean-up days, walk to raise money for the homeless, and prep meals for our food service programs, among countless other things. Through these programs, the teachings and practices of Jesus become a touchstone to which they can return throughout the many seasons and circumstances of life.

We have significant growth in attendance among families with children in the past few years and are investing resources to meet the hopes and needs of our families, including supporting our parents as they pass on their faith to the next generation. Please read on to learn what’s here for your family.